Innovation Area I
Social and economic issues relating to the expansion of offshore wind energy
This innovation area analyses the potential for conflict, opportunities and conditions for success of offshore expansion, the design of the necessary participation processes and the evaluation of expansion targets under various techno-economic scenarios. The insights gained are intended to facilitate socially and economically viable, socially just and ecologically compatible marine and coastal management.
Sub-project I.1
Analysing potential conflicts, opportunities and conditions for the success of offshore expansion
The sub-project analyses the potential for conflict, opportunities and conditions for success of offshore expansion in coastal regions. The planned offshore expansion represents a significant industrialisation boost for the German North Sea and its coastal regions. Its realisation requires not only a corresponding development and expansion of the necessary energy, port and transport infrastructures as well as production and maintenance operations and an adaptation of the social infrastructures.
At the same time, it also encounters an already socially structured area that is characterised by specific political, economic and civil society demands and expectations. On the one hand, offshore expansion opens up opportunities for the often structurally weak regions, but these must first be developed and utilised locally. On the other hand, the extensive effects for the regional economy and local services of general interest associated with it also harbour potential for conflict, which can strengthen opposition to offshore expansion.
Prof. Dr. habil. Berthold Vogel
SOFI Göttingen
Dr. Andreas Kannen
Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Sub-project I.2
Designing the necessary participation processes
The sub-project aims at early communication and participation of relevant stakeholder groups in order to clarify preferences, identify conflicts and develop solutions.
This should promote social support and acceptance in society and enable the collaborative development of innovative solutions and transformative strategies for the energy transition.
Another research objective is to identify factors that promote and hinder offshore wind energy expansion
Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Dr. Andreas Kannen Helmholtz Zentrum Hereon
Sub-project I.3
Evaluation of the expansion targets under different techno-economic scenarios
The sub-project focusses on an economic evaluation of the planned expansion in the German Exclusive Economic Zone, taking into account various techno-economic scenarios with the aim of creating an overall model.
This model can be used to estimate how likely the expansion is under the conditions of land scarcity and plausible co-use compared to its European neighbours and what costs will result for industry and society so that this can be included in the social acceptance considerations.
Dr. Martin Dörenkämper
Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergiesysteme (IWES)