Head Office

The team of the efzn Head Office (from left):
Dr. Knut Kappenberg, Andree Späth, Jessica Heinicke, Dr. Wolfgang Dietze, Dr. Diana Schneider, Frank Mattioli.
The efzn Head Office is a central contact partner for internal and external queries from science, business, politics and the society. It is based on the Energy Campus of the Clausthal University of Technology in Goslar.
The team of the efzn Head Office consists of the following staff members:

Fee Strahler (on parental leave)
Telephone: +49 5321 3816 8001
e-mail: geschaeftsstelle@efzn.de

Frank Mattioli
Contact Service Science – Economy / Society / Politics
Telephone: +49 5321 3816 8080
e-mail: frank.mattioli@efzn.de

Dr. Diana Schneider
Assistant to the Board of Directors
Telephone: +49 5321 3816 8162
e-mail: diana.schneider@efzn.de