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Hydrogen from renewable sources plays a significant role for the envisaged decarbonization/defossilization of our energy system. Here, three basic functionalities can be distinguished:

  • Hydrogen as energy carrier and/or intermediate for mobility

  • Large-scale interim storage of energy and

  • Replacement of hydrogen and other educts obtained from fossil fuels and used in the raw materials industry and the chemical industry.

Science Alliance for Hydrogen Technology

Innovation laboratories for hydrogen technologies

The Wissenschaftsallianz Wasserstofftechnologie (Science Alliance for Hydrogen Technology) under the roof of the efzn bundles the competences of hydrogen research in Lower Saxony and has set itself the objective to research and make the manifold potentials of green hydrogen utilisable in energy, mobility and industry. To this end, the Ministry of Science and Culture of Lower Saxony supports innovation laboratories for hydrogen technologies where science and actors from practice jointly search for solutions to central scientific, technological and economic challenges and thus make a significant contribution to the development of technology and market penetration of hydrogen.

The following associations are supported:

  • DLR Institute of Networked Energy Systems in association with the University of Technology Clausthal and the DLR Institute of Technical Thermodynamics,
  • Leibniz University Hannover (LUH) in association with the TU Braunschweig, the University of Technology Clausthal, the Jade University of Applied Sciences Wilhelmshaven and the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt - PTB (national metrology institute of Germany),
  • CUTEC (Clausthaler Umwelttechnik Forschungszentrum [Clausthal Environmental Technology Research Centre]) of the University of Technology Clausthal in association with LUH and the Institute for Solar Energy Research in Hamelin (ISFH),
  • LUH in association with the TU Braunschweig, the University of Technology Clausthal, the University Oldenburg, the DLR for Networked Energy Systems, the ISFH, as well as the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI),
  • TU Braunschweig, Institute for Thermodynamics, together with the Institutes for Automotive Management and Industrial Production, for Construction Technology and Combustion Machines of the TU Braunschweig.

Introducing the "Wissenschaftsallianz Wasserstofftechnologie": efzn professors Carsten Agert and Richard Hanke-Rauschenbach with the former Lower Saxonian Minister of Science Björn Thümler (from left).

More information about the innovation laboratories for hydrogen technologies

efzn Hydrogen Research Society of Lower Saxony

Within the context of using hydrogen from renewable sources in decarbonizing / defossilizing our energy system, manifold research and development needs arise that are currently addressed by multiple actors around the world and particularly in Germany. Around 20 research teams from Lower Saxony are involved in these endeavours and have joined to establish the efzn-Forschungsverbund Wasserstoff Niedersachsen (efzn Hydrogen Research Society of Lower Saxony).

In six focus areas the work concentrates on the following core areas:

  • Hydrogen generation through water electrolysis
  • Underground storage of hydrogen and the required infrastructure
  • Sustainable hydrogen combustion concepts within the framework of the energy revolution
  • Conversion of hydrogen into other energy carriers
  • Analysis of energy systems with a particular focus on hydrogen
  • Fuel cell technology

More Information about the efzn Hydrogen Research Society of Lower Saxony