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P2X technologies

efzn line of research

With increasing regenerative energy production, electrical energy can be increasingly considered a primary energy source. In this way the desired substitution of fossil energy raw materials with regenerative processes that are run energetically with electricity (Power-to-X, P2X) can be achieved.

The line of research “P2X Technologies” has the aim of further developing the range of the different technologies for conversion of electrical energy to other forms of energy and thus to develop an important foundation for the line of research “Integrated Energy Systems / Interlinking Sectors”.

Besides the direct storage of electrical energy in batteries, research in Lower Saxony in P2X technologies focuses on water electrolysis, the subsequent conversion of hydrogen to gaseous and liquid fuels or chemical raw materials, as well as the storage and reconversion of hydrogen to power. In this way a contribution is made to supply security through different storage technologies, and the raw material supply to the chemical and basic industry (steel cement) can be changed, step by step, to “green“ hydrogen from regenerative electrical energy and sustainable carbon sources. Important research problems concern the development of new materials as well as improved models and simulation tools in order to achieve the best possible effectiveness of the various conversion technologies.


PD Dr. Ulrike Willer

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