Transfer in the TEN.efzn programme
The transfer area of the research programme ‘Transformation des Energiesystems Niedersachsen’ (TEN.efzn) aims to transfer scientific results quickly and effectively into practice and to incorporate impulses from society, business and politics into the research process. This is achieved through three key areas:
- efzn Communication: transfer through information and reciprocity
- efzn-Academy: transfer through knowledge and further training
- efzn-Innovation: transfer through founding and implementation
The central aim is to develop and establish an excellent transfer system for energy research in Lower Saxony. The funding is intended to close existing gaps and create and bundle sustainable, regionally specific and spatially networked structures that will make Lower Saxony fit for the future as a centre of research, education and innovation in the energy sector.
The spokesperson team consists of Prof Dr Klaus Fichter (Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg) and Dr Wolfgang Dietze (efzn Head Office). The coordinator is Frank Mattioli (efzn Head Office).
The three focal points of TEN.efzn Transfer
Putting research results into practice
efzn Communication: transfer through information and reciprocity
In order to strengthen the dialogue between science, business, civil society, administration and politics, TEN.efzn is developing new communication and event formats in the efzn Communication transfer focus area. A think tank and new event formats such as energy transfer conferences and sounding boards offer platforms to allow scientific findings to flow directly into practice and political decision-making processes and to promote dialogue on the core issues of the energy transition. These formats create synergies between different stakeholders and promote the practical reception of research findings. Conversely, important findings and concerns from the field can be incorporated into the ongoing research process. Existing efzn event formats will also be further developed in this focus area and harmonised with the TEN.efzn research projects.
efzn-Academy: transfer through knowledge and further training
The efzn-Academy is the central educational initiative of the efzn. As a new and cross-location educational alliance, it is developing over 20 new training programmes in the TEN.efzn project to prepare specialists and managers for the challenges of the energy transformation. The training courses reflect the diverse range of topics covered by the entire research programme, from offshore wind energy to digitalised energy systems and heat pump technologies. In close cooperation with the TEN.efzn research platforms, the Academy ensures that the latest scientific findings are incorporated into the qualification of experts in a practical manner. It creates a nationwide showcase with needs- and target group-orientated further training courses in the field of energy transformation.
efzn-Innovation: transfer through founding and implementation
The transfer activities of TEN.efzn are being developed as an integral part of the innovation and start-up ecosystem in Lower Saxony in order to avoid duplicate structures and utilise synergies. The transfer focus efzn-Innovation is intended to set energy-related priorities in the form of thematic, cross-location ‘lighthouses’ and create sector and technology-specific consulting, networking and matchmaking structures. To this end, the focus area is developing and testing new formats to support start-ups and innovation, such as the Lower Saxony Energy Accelerator, the Lower Saxony Energy Investment Forum, the ‘Senior Energy meets Junior Power’ entrepreneur forum and the ‘Ko-Innovationssprint Energie’ programme.